Workshop: Neil Speirs, The Hidden Curriculum

Neil Speirs

Wednesday 8th June, 1-2pm online via Zoom    

In this one-hour workshop Neil Speirs, Widening Participation Manager at the University of Edinburgh, will be talking to us about his research into and experiences of ‘the Hidden Curriculum’ and classism on campus. Join us for a discussion of critical pedagogy – all welcome!     

The hidden curriculum – which is facilitated by teachers in all educational sectors – delivers social class oriented sub-texts and meanings.  The sub-texts and meanings of the dominant classes and cultures are then legitimised at the expense of other understandings and perspectives. We can think of the hidden curriculum as being delivered by a particular dominant habitus.  In turn, the hidden curriculum then transmits that particular dominant habitus. This practice results in dominant understandings, opinions and appreciations excluding other experiences, opinions and understandings.  We can see how, because of this, working class students are excluded, devalued, discounted and separated. How, then, can we act critically to exclude the hidden curriculum?       

You can register for the event here. Zoom details will be sent out to those registered nearer the time.